Norstar Phone Systems and Meridian Phones

Monday, February 13, 2006

Headsets for Nortel Meridian Norstar Phones

Well, this is a huge development in the history of Telephone Magic's website.

You see, because our prices fluctuate often - sometimes daily - and depend on the volume of product purchased, management felt that it wouldn't be in our customers' best interest to post a single fixed price on the website.

However, I've bugged them for a while and am pleased to announce the introduction of pricing on the website. It's a first - and I'm pretty proud of it.

We're doing a test in the phone headset section as a trial to see how it goes. In other words, does adding pricing make it easier for people to make a decision about buying from us? Does it reduce the friction in the purchasing process? Or does it encourage tire-kicking?

I don't know the results yet, but prices are here at least.

The biggest difference though is we have stated a maximum price. In other words, the price shown on the website is the most you would pay if you ordered a single unit. If you were to order more than one headset, or combine it with a telephone purchase, the price would likely drop a bit. That's why it's only a maximum price.

That way, we can still offer the best prices possible to our customers while making sure we don't overcharge for items that we get special manufacturer pricing on.

What a deal! I hope you visit what we consider one of the Internet's leading telecommunications product websites today. Thanks!

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